Facilities Management Staff Listing
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Al Sena | Director, Facilities Management | asena5@unm.edu | (505) 277-6644 | (505) 975-0611 |
Vacant | Administrative Coordinator, Assistant to the Director | Vacant | ||
Bob Notary | Assoc. Director, Engineering & Energy Services Division | notary@unm.edu | (505) 615-4875 | |
Michael McCord | Manager, Environmental Services Division | michaelm3@unm.edu | (505) 277-0317 | (505) 239-0653 |
Monica Candelaria | Financial Officer, Finance & Services Division | monicama@unm.edu | (505) 277-9200 | |
Vince Chavez | Manager, Facilities Maintenance Division | bchavez@unm.edu | (505) 277-3398 | (505) 859-1291 |
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Gina Encinias | Fiscal Services Supervisor | grencinias@unm.edu | (505) 277-1046 | |
Dawn Manuelito | Financial Analyst | damanuelito@unm.edu | (505) 277-9384 | (505) 263-0502 |
Ashley Floyd | Financial Analyst | afloyd01@unm.edu | (505) 272-0346 | |
Deanna O'Dell | Fiscal Services Tech | dodell@unm.edu | (505) 277-1100 | |
Cristie Cotten | Fiscal Services Tech | cristiec@unm.edu | (505) 277-1175 | (505) 277-2421 |
Administrative Assistants
Xiao-Ping Yang (Jaime) | Administrative Assistant to Administration | pingy43@unm.edu | (505) 277-2425 | |
Vacant | Administrative Coordinator, Admin Assistant to the Director | Vacant |
Area One Maintenance - Service Building
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Edwin Trujillo | Manager, Maintenance & Construction | (505) 277-0100 | (505) 269-9291 | |
Aquilino Valdez | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | aqvaldez@unm.edu | (505) 277-0100 | (505) 681-7153 |
Van Newman | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | vannewman@unm.edu | (505) 277-3391 | |
Raul Holguin | Expediter | (505) 362-8538 |
Area Two Maintenance - Reginald Heber Fitz Hall
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Mark Russell | Manager, Maintenance & Construction | mrusse01@unm.edu | (505) 272-9002 | (505) 403-3643 |
Vacant | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | Vacant | ||
Jessie Baca | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | jessebaca@unm.edu | (505) 272-1191 | (505) 450-3071 |
Brian Aragon | Expediter | baragon@unm.edu | (505) 272-1417 | (505) 269-7865 |
Area Three Maintenance - Mesa Vista Hall
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Steven Dussart | Manager, Maintenance & Construction | sdussart@unm.edu | (505) 277-6798 | (505) 362-3932 |
Augustine Aragon | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | aarago06@unm.edu | (505) 277-9381 | (505) 205-4590 |
Charles Franks | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | cfranksiii@unm.edu | (505) 277-03390 | |
Abrian Grine | Expediter | (505) 277-9659 | (505) 269-5404 |
Area Four Maintenance - Carlisle Gym
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Joseph Lopez | Manager, Maintenance & Construction | (505) 277-3777 | (505) 321-5619 | |
Noe Garcia | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | chenoe@unm.edu | (505) 362-9270 | |
Kris Webb | Supervisor, Maintenance & Construction | (505) 277-3785 | (505) 331-6055 | |
Nathan Garcia | Expeditor | ngarci11@unm.edu | (505) 277-3395 |
Automotive Center
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Brian Steinacker | Manager, Fleet Services | (505) 277-3670 | ||
Leah Weaselboy | Operations Specialist | lweaselb@unm.edu | (505) 277-3659 | |
Andrea Lozano | Expeditor | aguillen75521@unm.edu | (505) 277-3670 |
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Maya Williams | Public Information Representative | mharri04@unm.edu | (505) 277-7831 | (505) 259-3371 |
Custodial Services, Main Campus - Carlisle Gym
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Lisa Reeder | Operations Manager | lisareeder@unm.edu | (505) 277-1814 | (505) 492-1005 |
Vacant | Manager, Main Custodial | Vacant | ||
Olga Martinez | Supv., Custodial Services (Central) | olgmartinez@unm.edu | (505) 272-0230 | |
Maria Pacheco | Supv., Custodial Services (South) | npacheco@unm.edu | (505) 277-3496 | (505) 974-6248 |
Paul Benavidez | Supv., Custodial Services (North) | pablo212@unm.edu | (505) 277-5030 | (505) 440-1820 |
Hazel Gallegos | Supv., Custodial Services (West) | hgallegos@unm.edu | (505) 313-9786 | |
Justin Revell | Supv., Custodial Services (East) | justinrevell@unm.edu | (505) 277-1814 | |
Michael Martinez | Expeditor, Custodial Services | ppd097@unm.edu | (505) 277-6119 | (505) 903-4970 |
Custodial Services, HSC - Reginald Heber Fitz Hall
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Lisa Reeder | Operations Manager | lisareeder@unm.edu | (505) 277-1814 | (505) 492-1005 |
Erika Alas | Manager, HSC Custodial Services | ealas01@unm.edu | (505) 277-9478 | |
Edna Hinojosa De Velazquez | Supervisor, HSC Custodial Services | EHinojosaDeVelazquez@salud.unm.edu | (505) 272-0230 | |
Zaklina Zera | Supervisor, HSC Custodial Services | zeraz@unm.edu | (505) 272-0230 | (505) 313-1152 |
Juan Quesada | Supervisor, HSC Custodial Services | JlQuesada@salud.unm.edu | (505) 277-1814 |
Engineering & Energy Services Division
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Bob Notary | Associate Dir. Engineering & Energy Services | notary@unm.edu | (505) 615-4875 | |
David Penasa | Mgr. University Facilities Engineering | dpenasa@unm.edu | (505) 269-8717 | |
Steven Baca | Energy Services Manager | sbaca22@unm.edu | (505) 288-6047 | |
Trevor Tyler | Energy Services Supervisor | (505) 259-6685 | ||
Angel Becerra | Facilities Engineer | angelbecerra@unm.edu | (505) 249-7097 | |
Christopher Grotbeck | Facilities Engineer | cgrotbec@unm.edu | (505) 991-5100 | |
Jesse Hart | Facilities Engineer | hartj@unm.edu | (505) 803-4990 | |
Rudy Garcia | Facilities Engineer | rjgarcia32@unm.edu | (505) 249-6896 | |
Richard Burnett | BAS Control Specialist | rdburnet@unm.edu | (505) 269-4190 | |
Acacia Chavez | Operations Specialist | chavez32@unm.edu | (505) 449-7961 | |
Will Monette | Electrical QA/QC Specialist | wmonette@unm.edu | (505) 321-5627 | |
Bane Nitro Dixon | Mechanical QA/QC Specialist | mdm505@unm.edu | 505-546-6435 | |
Energy Services Office | (505) 277-0945 |
Environmental Services Division
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Michael McCord | Manager, Environmental Services Division | michaelm3@unm.edu | (505) 277-0317 | (505) 239-0653 |
Vacant | Operations Specialist, Environmental Services | Vacant | ||
Brian Steinacker | Manager, Fleet Services | bsteinacker@unm.edu | (505) 277-3670 | |
Lisa Reeder | Operations Manager, Custodial | lisareeder@unm.edu | (505) 277-1814 | (505)-492-1005 |
Richard Schorr | Manager, Grounds & Landscaping, Special Activities & Sign Shop | rschorr@unm.edu | (505) 277-0615 | (505) 639-9785 |
Facilities Maintenance
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Vince Chavez | Manager, Facilities Maintenance | bchavez@unm.edu | (505) 277-3398 | (505) 859-1291 |
Angela Aragon | Operations Specialist, Facilities Maintenance | aaragaon@unm.edu | (505) 277-0993 | (505) 550-3376 |
Edwin Trujillo | Manager, Maintenance & Construction (Area 1) | (505) 277- 0100 | (505) 269-9291 | |
Mark Russell | Manager, Maintenance & Construction (Area 2) | mrusse01@unm.edu | (505) 272-9002 | (505) 403-3643 |
Steven Dussart | Manager, Maintenance & Construction (Area 3) | sdussart@unm.edu | (505) 277-6798 | (505) 362-3932 |
Joseph Lopez | Manager, Maintenance & Construction (Area 4) | (505) 277-3777 | (505) 321-5619 | |
Kelly Ore | PM Coordinator | kore@unm.edu | (505) 277-2421 |
Finance and Services Division
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Monica Candelaria | Financial Officer, Finance Services | monicama@unm.edu | (505) 277-9200 | |
Daniel Perea | Manager, Work Control | dperea1@unm.edu | (505) 277-4872 | (505) 267-1980 |
Gina Encinias | Supervisor, Fiscal Services | grencinias@unm.edu | (505) 277-1046 |
Grounds and Landscaping
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Richard Schorr | Manager, Grounds & Landscaping | rschorr@unm.edu | (505) 277-0615 | (505) 639-9785 |
Alan Billau | Supervisor, Arboriculture | abillau@unm.edu | (505) 277-1066 | (505) 249-2245 |
Rene Herrera | Supervisor, Grounds & Landscaping | rherrera3@unm.edu | (505) 218-1996 | |
Franklin Wittkofsky | Supervisor, Grounds & Landscaping | frankw@unm.edu | (505) 277-1966 | (505) 350-9238 |
Joseph Duran | Supervisor, Grounds & Landscaping | (505) 697-2680 |
Human Resources
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Nichole Zamora | Human Resources Analyst | (505) 277-0074 | ||
Abigail Roll | Human Resources Analyst | abbyroll1@unm.edu | (505) 277-2421 |
Lock Shop
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
David Gallegos | Supervisor, Lock Shop | dgallegos78@unm.edu | (505) 277-1061 |
Operations & Project Data
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Johnathan Lozano | Operations and Project Data Manager | jloza004@unm.edu | (505) 267-6238 |
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Mary Clark | Manager, Office of Sustainability | lobosust@unm.edu | (505) 277-1142 | (505) 514-4260 |
John "Ski" Shaski | Supervisor, Recycling | ski@unm.edu | (505) 277-0842 | (505) 563-0483 |
Service Calls
Name | Phone | ||
Automotive Center | (505) 277-3670 | ||
Area One Service | (505) 277-1600 | ||
Area Two Service | (505) 277-1600 | ||
Area Three Service | (505) 277-1600 | ||
Area Four Service | (505) 277-1600 | ||
Custodial Services, Main Campus | (505) 277-1814 | ||
Custodial Services, Health Sciences Center | (505) 272-0230 | ||
Grounds & Landscaping, & Integrated Pest Management | (505) 277-1600 | ||
Lock Shop | (505) 277-1061 or 1062 | ||
Sign Shop | (505) 277-1600 |
Sign Shop
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Nick Royle | Supervisor, Sign Shop | roylen@unm.edu | (505) 277-7246 | (505) 452-6253 |
Susan Van Disco | Sign Shop Coordinator | slvdisco@unm.edu | (505) 277-0347 |
Special Activities
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Nick Royle | Supervisor, Special Activities | roylen@unm.edu | (505) 277-7246 | (505) 452-6253 |
Work Control
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |
Daniel Perea | Manager, Work Control | dperea1@unm.edu | (505) 277-4872 | (505) 267-1980 |
Kristina Rucker | Service Call Coordinator | ruckerk@unm.edu | (505) 925-9516 | |
Arianna Myers | Service Call Coordinator | amyers970046467@unm.edu | (505) 925-9505 | |
Zachary Case | Service Call Coordinator | zcase@unm.edu | (505) 277-2421 |